Nothing About Us Without Us


Young Emerging Leaders

Young Emerging Leaders started in 2015 with grant from Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities. As an organization we saw the need to train youth to be leaders in the organization and leader in the state. Currently, youth ages 16-26 meet every other month in the Birmingham area to learn about leadership. As part of the grant, the Leadership Handbook was developed as a training tool.

Project Vote

Project vote is a training curriculum that we have adapted to provide voter training around the state for individuals with disabilities. It focuses on how to register, importance of voting, and supports available. This project is in collaboration with Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP). 

Employment First

Employment First is a statewide initiative for people with disabilities to have the informed choices about employment as the FIRST option.  

Legislative Advocacy 

People First has stances on issues that effect people with disabilities including fair wages, employment first, access to affordable housing, and Medicaid expansion. We organize legislative advocacy days in Montgomery and support members to contact their representatives.

Self-Advocacy Training

We have developed training curriculum on topics most relevant to people with disabilities. Our experienced members provide training around the state on various topics including Self Determination, Meaningful Day, Effective Communication, and Community Participation.